First United Methodist Church
Winnsboro, South CarolinaFirst United Methodist Church
Winnsboro, South Carolina

This new organ and choir loft renovation will enhance the music program of this vibrant parish for many years to come. The tonal design is based on past Kegg instruments with which the committee was pleased and incorporates several unusual features for an instrument of 16 ranks. We felt strongly that an open 16' flue stop was needed and a Principal was not possible for space reasons. The extension of the Viole to 16' pitch using haskell basses was the solution and the velvet sound provides a lovely soft foundation. When added to the Bourdon, one might think that there is a 16' Principal playing along.
The Sesquialtera was provided to include a strong leading voice while taking up little room. It is 37 playing notes, C13-C49. The 2 2/3' pitch is provided by the first 37 pipes of the first rank of the mixture, thus this entire stop only adds the space needed for 37 small pipes of the 1 3/5' tierce.
The existing chamber was used to house the new swell box behind the case. This new swell enclosure provides unusually wide dynamic range while focusing the sound for maximum tonal egress. The new organ engages the room exceptionally well.
The organ was dedicated in recital on November 10th, 2002 by consultant Stephen Williams of Allentown, PA.
If you are in the Columbia, S.C. area, please stop by to see this instrument. Contact Jim Gladden, Organ Committee Chair or Esther Baughman, Organist