Main Street United Methodist Church

Main Street United Methodist Church

Abbeville, South Carolina
2 manuals, 10 ranks
Pipe Organ Specifications

Main Street United Methodist Church

Abbeville, SC

Our new pipe organ for Main Street United Methodist Church is a 10 rank, 2 manual instrument that replaced an ailing Moller organ. We have retained and restored the handsome 19th century Felgemaker case with highly decorated facade pipes. The lowest 17 center pipes of the case again are the bass of the Great Diapason. The balance of the instrument is new. This organ was completed in early February 2019. Please click below for the stop list.

This organ was featured on the cover of The American Organist, September, 2019. Click below to view this article.

The white oak console features our stepped terrace design with black walnut interior. Keys are topped with bone and rosewood. Here you see it just after it was installed in its final home.

Here you see the organ set up in the shop. It is about to be taken apart for final wood finishing.

All Installations