Sacred Heart Catholic Church
New Philadelphia, Ohio

This new 15 rank organ is placed in an ideal location, high at the rear of this handsome room. Gallery space is limited. The choice of a corner case location leaves all remaining gallery space in one contiguous area, which will greatly aid all musicians of the various musical groups of this active music program. The organ was completed on October 5, 2012.
The excellent acoustic of Sacred Heart Church showcases the musical merits of this organ well. One could not ask for a more ideal environment than is enjoyed here.
The new organ was dedicated in concert by Dr. John Schwandt on November 11, 2012 at 3pm. The capacity crowd was very appreciative.
Many thanks to Fr. Jeff Coning and Music Director Beth Fragasse for their continuing support. We look forward to many visitors to this new addition to the Kegg family.

Here you see the upper case under construction with a closeup of the carved panel depicting the four Apostle symbols. These symbols also appear on the capitols of each of the church's columns. Since this photo was taken, the halo area above each symbol has been gilded.
There will be an additional panel on the forward facade. This panel will be an Illumination which is being created by Jed Gibbons of Chicago. It will be installed in the coming weeks.
On February 22, 2015 the Canton Ohio Chapter AGO held a Member's Recital at Sacred Heart. Here are some selections that were heard. I was personally delighted with the Bach by Noah Carpenter. It is played in an unusual style but with fire and energy. Many thanks to all involved for a most rewarding afternoon!
Be Thou My Vision ___Congregational hymn with organ & brass___Mark Thewes, organ
Prelude in C major___J.S. Bach___Noah Carpenter, organ
Elegy ___George Thalben-Ball___Rich Geib, organ
Postlude-Cantique___Theodore Dubois___Chad Pittman, organ
Gabriel's Oboe___Ennio Morricone___Gabriel Lane, Oboe___Mark Thewes, organ
Sonata on 10 Tono___José Lidón___Mark Thewes, organ

Here are detail photos. Note the Kegg pencil drawer, standard on all our instruments.