Our new pipe organ for St. John Vianney Theological Seminary is a 3 manual instrument of 25 ranks. It replaced a failing digital instrument. The original Kilgen pipe organ from about 1930 had some elements still present and from these we retained 10 ranks of Kilgen pipes in the new organ. The organ is located in a rear chamber, over the entrance door. A new facade of speaking pipes has replaced the original wood & cloth grill. The console is movable and located at the forward part of the nave. An Antiphonal division is prepared in the console for future addition as well as several stops in the main organ. The Pontifical Trumpet has a stately voice, rich and dramatic, without being overbearing in this fine room. The entire main organ is enclosed with the exception of the facade Pedal Principal 16' and of course the Pontifical Trumpet.
This institution has seminarians from across the globe. The music department is lead by Dr. Mark Lawlor. We are grateful for the exceptional care afforded us during the installation of the new organ!
This new organ was completed in January of 2018. The complete specification is available by clicking below.

This organ was featured on the cover of the March 2018 issue of The Diapason.
It was also featured on the cover of the July 2018 issue of The American Organist.
Click below for reprints of the articles.