St. Mark's Episcopal Church
San Antonio, Texas

In 2007 we built a new draw knob console for this Austin organ from 1959. Replacing the very narrow Austin stop tab console with a draw knob console was always a dream of Choir Master Dr. Ed Rieke. This was no small task, working in such a narrow space, but there was no more room in its home position for the console to be wider.

Taking the challenge that several large companies said was not possible, we built such a console. Being very narrow, its stop jambs are tall and slender. Each division is in only two rows, in the true British tradition. The total width of this console is only 62.5". Not being wide enough for our normal internal casters, this console is on a matching platform that is the same width. The entire console is made of black walnut, accented with mappa burl fields behind the knobs and in the center of the music desk.

In 2009 we began a tonal revision which included replacing the Great principal chorus, and refinishing the voicing of all the flue pipes.
In 2012-2013 we completed the tonal revision with the replacement of most of the reed stops, and revoicing the Fagotto and Chamade. This was done in conjunction with the restoration of the church interior. This restoration included commissioning us to recreate a stenciled pipe facade for the nave aisle tone opening. The pipe decoration was designed by Marylou Davis and executed by her in the Kegg shop, assisted by Penny Prather and Charles Kegg. The design of this small facade inspired the expansion of the project to include replacement of the Apse organ grills with two new organ cases and more decorated pipes by Ms. Davis. These pipes provide the bass of the new First Diapason stop. The result is an instrument that is elegant in appearance as well as sound.
Our thanks to all at St. Mark's for their continued support in this successful project, but especially to Music Director and Organist (soon to be Dr.) Joseph Causby and Music Director and Organist Emeritus Dr. Edwin Rieke who began the project prior to his retirement.